Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rough Morning

Samuel has been sent to his room 4 times this morning.

Emma began begging for a snack a half hour after breakfast.

Some days, I wonder how I get through it all. Then I look to the Lord. He is my refuge. With all the monotony and craziness, He is always there to strengthen me.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So I am walking with a little bit of a spring in my step. I just finished cleaning the kitchen so I won't have as big a job after supper. I need my Tuesday evening free. For LOST of course!

Yes, I am one of those nerds who watch LOST! It is one of the highlights of my week, the one show that I allow myself to follow. Now, I do watch other shows, but if my kids are not cooperating or I need to run an errand, I don't freak out over missing them (examples: The Office, The Mentalist, and The Good Wife).

I used to follow some of the blogs and theorize about everything....but it kinda made my brain hurt. So, I have resigned myself to watching this last season on the edge of my seat, a little confused and....sadly, a little LOST. I figure I will just sort it all out when it is over!

Along with a few of my friends (fellow LOSTies), I am planning a party to celebrate the end of the series. It will be bittersweet. I love the show, but I really need to see it get resolved. My only fear is they will leave us hanging.

Back to the party...It really is still in it's infancy stages. I know we have to have some little smokies in honor of the Smoke Monster and something involving mangoes....that seems to be the only fruit on the island. I volunteered to have it at my friend's house since he has a big place and an amazing TV...luckily he was open to the idea. I would have hated to storm his house that night if he didn't want us all there!

Now I have to go get a jump on supper.

Monday, March 22, 2010

This one's for Erin!

Since I entered Erin's give away and had to sign in, I figured I would post something. Nothing fancy, just a little update. Not that anyone is reading, other than Erin!

So my life is feeling pretty good right now. We are leading at High School Connect Group at Christ's Place this semester. Despite at rough start, I felt like our meeting last night was a turning point and direct answer to prayer. I was able to put it in God's hands and remove my expectations for how the group should go. God is good.

Our MOPS year is winding down and I am planning to step down from my Moppets position. I feel God calling me to invest more of my time in Rock Solid. I still plan to attend next year, just not in a leadership role.

Emma is now 4 1/2. She is on a kick of talking about death. It makes for some pretty interesting dinner table discussions.

Sam is almost 3. He is definitely more dramatic than his sister ever was. He can throw a tantrum with the best of them. On the flip side, he can give the best hugs and kisses! One of my favorite things is picking him up at nursery...his eyes light up and dance when he sees me. He may throw a fit 2 minutes later, but I guess that goes with the territory.

In conclusion.....I would say I will try to post more, but that is probably not gonna happen! I just do not have the same talents and abilities as my sweet blogging friend, Erin! Oh well....I can still wrap presents better than her! I take sick comfort in that!