Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Swimming lesson horrors...

So my daughter had her second swimming lesson today. She is by far the oldest in the class (4 1/2 with a bunch of 2 year old kids). She is also the loudest in the class. I wish it was because she was giggling and laughing with glee instead of the ear piercing screams that come out of her mouth. I nearly cried....not because I was embarrassed.....not because my ears were being permanently damaged.

I nearly cried because she was terrified beyond consoling, and I had to take a stand and physically keep her in the pool. I knew exactly how she was feeling. I had felt that fear many times in my I was shown again this morning, my daughter is nearly a carbon copy of least her personality is.

We don't handle tough situations well. I have learned to work through much of that fear, but my first reaction when confronted with a crisis is gritting my teeth and fighting off the tears welling up in my eyes. After trying to deal with it all on my own and failing, I have learned to trust in the Lord to deal with the crises in my life.

Looking back on it now....God was trying to show me something this morning. The way Emma held onto me with a death grip was how I cling to Him most times. Instead of trusting Him to keep me from going under, I am grabbing onto Him so tight that I am not allowing myself to learn from the situation. Yes, I need to keep hold of him, but I need to trust that His arms will not let me fall. They will not leave me to drown. When I cling that close to Him in fear, I will not be able to show His ability to sustain me through the trials.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)

And that concludes my rambling for the day....I hope it made sense to someone!!


  1. Thanks for sharing Donna! I had fun playing with Emma as well as about 6 other little "Rainbows" tonight!

  2. WOW! Donna, that brought a tear to my eyes. It was very well said, and that is exactly how I am also, I think many people are clinging so tightly to Jesus that we dont allow ourselves to let go and trust that he has us in his arms and would never let us go under. If we can just stop and have peace and try to hear what he is saying or understand what he wants us to learn, it wouldnt be such a "crisis" for us. Thanks for posting this! :)

  3. Great post - hope your ears have recovered :) And maybe next week will be better...

  4. Great post Donna!!! Thank you!!
