Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lighter Side of Me (pt 2)

Continuing on from yesterday....

While at UNL, I worked part time at an emergency shelter for kids and teens in the foster care system. It was a temporary place for them until they found more permanent housing. It was a VERY challenging job. I was stretched a great deal---working overnight shifts, fighting exhaustion, being verbally abused and physically threatened.

I graduated from UNL with a Bachelor's Degree in Family Science with an emphasis in Family Financial Managment. My first "real" job out of college was at Consumer Credit Counseling of NE. I was one of those few people who actually had a job that matched perfectly with their major! I worked there for 3 years or so, then had the opportunity to work from home for Lincoln Action Program as a HUD Housing Counselor.

It was then, that I found out I was pregnant with Emma. She was quite the disruption to our routine, but totally worth it! (We had been married for 9 years before having we were pretty set in our routine!) After Samuel was born 19 months later, I stopped working for LAP. The grant was not being renewed and I felt God was calling me to be a full-time stay-at-home mom.

It also made me available to provide child care for my twin niece and nephew. They are 6 months younger than Emma, so my house can get pretty crazy when they come over! It's all worth it though! I love them and I love being able to help my sister out by watching them. (Also, I get the big perk--she takes my kids 1 day per week for me!!)

So that is some of the basics. I plan to take some time and talk more deeply about my kids and hubby, but running out of time right now! The kids want to make some chocolate chip cookies with me!

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